Grocery Shopping! Tips to Help save Money

I have always been the kind of person who has gone to the store needing milk, bread, and eggs but somehow managed to spend $150-$200. Lately the purse strings have been forced to tighten and I have been forced to not only control my spending, but to come up with ways to save more. Over the months I have cut my grocery shopping significantly just by doing a couple of extra things.

  1. Plan your menu out for the whole week.
  2. Make your grocery list according to the menu.
  3. Have a running list on the refrigerator of things to replace ie: soap, toothpaste, etc.
  4. Look at the coupons and ads that come in your Sunday paper. Clip anything you think you can use. (I will revisit this topic soon)
  5. Decide what name brands you are willing to substitute with generics. (condiments, peanut butter, and canned or frozen vegetables is a safe way to start)
  6. If you are not willing to go generic on something and there is no coupon in the paper, visit the company's website and see what you can find.
  7. Don't limit yourself to just one store. Watch what is on sale and know what the going rates are for your fresh meat and produce.
  8. Consider taking only cash when you are shopping. This helps prevent the impulse buys.
  9. When you get to the store get in and get out. Avoid displays that aren't what you came for, have tunnel vision.
  10. If you see something you think you just have to have (a want), go and think about it for 24 hours.
When I first started doing this all I could think about is what an inconvenience it was going be however, once I got myself in a routine, not only am I saving money, but it has actually made things easier.


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