Fusion Cash

So here is the deal with Fusion Cash, companies pay Fusion cash to either find people to take their surveys or people who are currently in the market for a product or service they provide. This is not something that can take the place of your current employment or feed your family. Can you make a little money though? The answer is Yes. I spent approximately six hours over the course of four days completing their tasks. I made $33.86, not including the $5.00 bonus they give you to sign up. You can make an extra $3.00 a month by posting a minimum of 30 times to their forum and there is a referral bonus that is pretty good.  When a friend signs up through your refferal link and confirms their email address, you make a $1. When that friend completes their first survey, you make $2.00. (This one is my favorite part) Every time that friend cashes out, you make $5.00. There are a few other (less honest) ways to cheat the system and make some money, but if you want to do that you have to figure it out on your own.

With anything there are always some downsides, here are the ones that I have discovered:

  • You can only (or at least you are supposed to) accept offers that you have a true interest in. Unless otherwise stated, you can only complete each offer once. That one is the big one for me considering I have run out of things to do. There are a couple you can do daily and make a few dollars and they do have a couple of new offers almost every day.
  • You really have to pay attention to the requirements of each offer. Some will send you a confirmation email that if you fail to click means you don't get paid.
  • If you accept an offer, pay attention to the website it sends you to. A lot of times after you completed the initial offer it will redirect you to another site. You don't have to do the redirected surveys, in fact in could be a cause for you not getting paid for it, not to mention a big waste of your time.
  • If you feel you have completed all of the offer requirements and you don't get paid, unfortunately you have no recourse.
  • As long as you have $25 in your account you can "Cash Out", but they only send payments on the 20th of every month. They take a few days to verify everything so if you hit "Cash Out" on the 19th of April you will not get a check cut until the 20th of May. It takes longer if you choose the old fashion pay check like I did, but I am just not ready to hand out my direct deposit or pay-pal information yet.
This is a good one to do in your down time. I did it when my husband wanted to watch the hunting shows and when my children wanted to watch the same movie they had already seen 15 times that week. If you decide to do this, let me recommend a few different things before you do.
  • Set up a different email address for these kinds of sites.
  • Consider setting up an alternate number. If you have a traditional home phone a lot of carriers will give you a distinctive ring for free in your home phone package. That one wasn't a good option for me because I already have one that is connected to my fax. I chose to download I-call which is a free VOIP service.
  • Avoid any offer that requires you to add your social security number.
  • If you decide to take an offer that requires a credit card make sure it is a company you know.
  • If you take an offer that involves a product or service make sure you read all of the terms associated with it.
  • Be careful about giving out too much personal information about you or your family.
  • Stay away from anything that wants you to confirm a PIN sent to your cell. If you let them send it more than likely you will get a recurring charge of $9.99 on your cell phone bill. If it asks you to enter your cell number, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see if there is a "Skip" button.

  • Avoid ones that say win $xxx.xx and then below it is says "must fulfill product requirements".

I plan to keep using this from time to time. If you decide to try it out, please use this link.
Free Money at FusionCash!


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Free Money at FusionCash!


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